• An ISO 9001:2015 Certified
  • info@reliablepaints.com
  • +91 78599881300


To achieve highest standards in the paints and coatings industrity thoughout the world. To flourish in terms of quality consistency and make a mark in achieving sustainable growth. To serve industries with ethical business practices. To manufacture environmentally friendly products. To create a safe and healthy working environment.


Continual improvement in quality, consistency of products. To improve the working environment by automation in operations and strengthening research and development / quality control. To achieve the highest industry standards and business ethics.


Reliable paints believes in providing values to our customers. Our employees are our most valueable resource and their health and safety are top priority. Our vendors are partners in our company, mainiaining trust of our vendors is very important for us. We conduct business in an open, honest and forthright manner create safe and healthy working atmostphere conserve and protect the environment Actively support and promote local community.